its not just about whisky...

It should be obvious to everyone that 2020 wasn’t just the most disastrous year in a generation, the global pandemic made it the worst year in a lifetime.

Despite all of the personal and economic horror stories, some positive tales of hope emerged. Dolphin’s returned to the canals of Venice, blue skies were seen over China and a near 30% reduction in emissions showed the world how quickly nature could resurrect herself if we simply gave her the chance to take a breath.

Unfortunately, it appears that the benefits of the CO2 “pause” will likely be short lived as the worlds industrial cogs begins to spin again. However, at Whisky Giveaway, it has given us serious food for thought.

Our commitment then is to support environmental charities whenever it is possible for us to do so.

This will mean running competitions specifically for good causes, where all profits go some very worthy charities. It will mean operating in a carbon neutral manner.

We also commit to donating 10% of our annual profit to environmental causes, from tree planting in the UK, to saving Orangutan’s in Borneo.

Whilst we cannot run as a not for profit, we will do everything we can to support the causes we care about. After all, we believe that those in a position to do something, have the responsibility to act. 

 If you’re a charity who would like support or you’d like to suggest a worthy cause, drop us an email at and tell us all about it.