Want to win some great whisky while supporting the environment?

You've come to the right place!

Whisky Giveaway was created for two reasons – to put expensive whisky back in the hands of everyday people, and to help support environmental causes. Our 1st place prizes therefore are whiskies that cost anywhere between £350 and £15,000. At the end of the year, in addition to money we’ve raised through charity competitions, we donate 10% of our profits to environmental causes too.

We run a mix of free, paid-for and charity competitions where all of the prizes are amazing bottles of whisky. We also increase your chances of winning by offering 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and in some cases, 5th runner up prizes too. We’re called Whisky Giveaway because every month we have 2 completely free to enter competitions – one for everyone and one as a thank you to anyone who has played our paid for competitions.

All you have to do is pick your number of tickets, answer a question and submit your fee (if a paid for competition). 

Below are the current competitions including our free to enter one for Aberlour A’bunadh.